Monday, July 27, 2009

Off to Costa Rica

Nancy put on her Facebook wall that she was going to Costa Rica and
would share details later. She called my wife yesterday and said that
she was going to teach English as a second language down there and
rent a room from someone she met down there. No contract, no details,
just statements about how God had answered her prayers and how great
it was going to be.

She nonchalantly said that she was going to turn her car in to the
bank since she couldn't make payments on it anyways and was already
$10,000 behind.

I truly hope she isn't leaving the country to escape paying her
bills. I'm pretty sure Costa Rica has an e tradition agreement with
the United States, and would hate to see her dragged back here by
Federal Marshals to pay her debts or be jailed as a criminal.

What a shame. It saddens me to see her go further down this
destructive path, but I also find it interesting and wonder where she
will stop or if she will atop at all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

She says she's desparate

Last night my wife came to me and said that her sister Nancy was "desparate". She explainedd that Nancy didn't have any money and was not going to have a place to saty after the end of this month.

I told her that we could give her a place to stay for 30 day, but we will not give her any money. I explained that I did not want to enable Nancy to continue down this path of destruction she has chosen. I told my wife that it's hard to watch someone flail around in raging water when you're standing on the rocks, and that Nancy had thrown herself out in the water gleefully and chose to stay out there. I told her that the only thing we could offer was a place of new beginning, not a way to go further down the road of selfishness and self-centeredness Nancy has been running down.

It's hard - Nancy turned Sue down and is talking about moving back to where she lived before, a place that she said she hated because it was a small town. We'll have to see if the Lord can get through to her...

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Bankrupt and at the bottom

I learned last month that Nancy was preparing to declare bankruptcy, and that her brother and ex-husband both told her it was a bad move to make. She told my wife that she was going to have to go to whoever's office and get the piece of paper she had signed the day before.
She's come so far down from where she thought she was! I tear up when I think about how great her life was: a husband that would buy her mid-field seats to the football game and deliver them in a model of the stadium, a life where she spent Christmas in New York City, summers on trips to Europe and South America as well as domestic destinations, and an expensive house that was paid for with a pool, two-story veranda, and lots of other amenities, and all the other things she had. She gave this and her two daughters up so she could go and squander her ex-husband's money away on furniture, funished apartments, and trading cars every 6 months until she is at the point of selling her precious photography equipment to thugs in order to buy groceries while she lives for free with a lady she met over the Internet. Wow! What a fall!
Now she's telling my wife about how she's "thinking positive" and using positive affirmations to help bolster her mood. This after she spent the day on the beach with her married guy friend ("just friends!") talking about life. I'm glad my woman sees what is happening for what it is: a sad thing that just gets sadder as Nancy goes further down this path she chose for herself. I think back to when she was plotting her divorce, carrying her guidebook around in a Barnes and Noble bag and telling my wife how horrible her life was, and have to resist laughing and her plight now.
Oh, well. I hope her trouble doesn't come to us as something to help deal with. We'll see...